How to Get Information of Mississippi Collegiate Art Competition

MC Business Students to Pitch Promising Plans During Spring Entrepreneurship Forum

Mississippi College students from all disciplines can sharpen their entrepreneurial skills by participating in MC Business' Entrepreneurship Program and joining the student-led Think Tank.

Mississippi College students from all disciplines can sharpen their entrepreneurial skills past participating in MC Business' Entrepreneurship Program and joining the educatee-led Think Tank.

Entrepreneurs are the engine that drives economic growth in the U.S. Past envisioning and creating new products and services, entrepreneurs stimulate employment, which accelerates economic development.

Successful entrepreneurship requires a combination of skills that have been carefully cultivated by faculty in the School of Business at Mississippi Higher. Many of the school's brightest students participate in an independent entrepreneurial club – called "Recall Tank" – that inspires the next generation of business innovators in the country.

The Recollect Tank student group is one of the products that resulted from the creation of the J.L. Holloway Center for Entrepreneurship at Mississippi College. The center is named for the famed Mississippi entrepreneur and cocky-made industrialist. Holloway launched HAM Marine and is also the founder of Tenax Aerospace. Holloway received an honorary Medico of Business degree from MC in 2016 to salute his generous support to the Academy.

Many of the Think Tank participants' most promising ideas will be unveiled during the seventh annual Entrepreneurship Forum Apr 6-vii at Vicksburg's Thad Cochran Mississippi Center for Data and Technology and the Vicksburg Convention Center.

Hosted past the University of Mississippi's McLean Institute for Public Service and Community Engagement and Introduce Mississippi, a nonprofit organization that has adult more 1,500 new companies throughout the state, the event brings together leading entrepreneurs, economic developers, innovators, and future business owners to larn more about the entrepreneurial climate and the future of entrepreneurship in Mississippi. It is office of the Catalyzing Entrepreneurship and Economic Development Initiative funded past the Robert K. Hearin Support Foundation.

The forum will include educational sessions and panels on engineering science and innovation, student entrepreneurship, and the state's entrepreneurial ecosystem. Merely the most highly predictable issue is the NextUp Business Plan Competition, an avenue for students to pitch projects with feasible business plans to academic and business experts.

Seven aspiring entrepreneurs at MC are scheduled to compete against students from the state's other 4-year colleges and universities in a fast-paced, "Shark Tank"-style business surround. The students will deliver their pitches, display their prototypes, and endeavour to convince a console of business professionals and investors that their ideas could proceeds traction in the uber-competitive business market. The Mississippi Evolution Authority will award monetary prizes to the virtually promising presentations to assistance students develop their ideas to the creation stage.

John Brandon, instructor and director of the J.Fifty. Holloway Centre for Entrepreneurship at MC, said Think Tank students have traditionally performed very well in the competition, even securing second and third prizes during the last forum.

"Our students are very involved in that competition," said Brandon, who specializes in small business creation and business growth strategies. "We have students from 1 of our senior-level entrepreneurial courses and accept them put together a new business venture idea, write a new business organization plan, and give a consummate presentation.

"As nosotros railroad train these students to become out and endeavour to run a new business concern venture successfully, we aid them take the concepts of the businesses they have and run information technology through their paces so they're comfortable talking to investors or venture majuscule firms. This lets our students really shine when they exit MC."

One of Brandon'south students that will participate in the NextUp competition and will also serve as a panelist at the forum. Everest Benson, a junior business organization entrepreneurship major from Ann Arbor, Michigan, will be pitching his plan for Nicotine Relief Therapy Coffee.

"It is coffee that contains nicotine for the purpose of helping people quit smoking, vaping, or whatsoever other utilise of nicotine they have," said Benson, who serves as Think Tank events coordinator and incoming president. "Once the concept is finalized, it should be very simple to produce, but the trial, testing, and proof-of-concept phase is the about complicated due to laws and regulations.

"The benefit would be to current nicotine users, creating a nicotine relief therapy that is uncomplicated to utilise and does not deviate them from their everyday lifestyles, since 93 pct of smokers also drink coffee."

The concept is then promising that Benson is scheduled to nowadays "NRT Coffee" to forum attendees as part of the official plan the day afterward the NextUp contest.

"The presentation volition focus generally on the background of current nicotine relief therapies, how NRT Coffee is different, and how it has the possibility to capture a significantly large market share," he said. "I desire the audience to understand that in that location is not always one correct way to do something. The largest 'cease smoking' advocates in society push for the 'cold turkey' approach to nicotine, even though relief therapies are proven to work significantly improve.

"I want everyone to understand that using what people are already familiar with is a more than effective approach than using a foreign object."

Carter Zatechka, a senior business administration major and entrepreneurship minor from Memphis, is a first-time participant in the NextUp competition, but his business concern proposal also has hope. Zatechka, Think Tank's director of marketing, volition exist pitching a mobile app chosen "Meridian" that would help attendees of professional conferences and seminars capture the vast assortment of data presented to them.

"When people attend these meetings, they are usually given a pamphlet or piece of paper that doesn't have a whole lot of data, and they're not able to retain everything that was said at the conference," Zatechka said. "With this app, the briefing presenter tin can distribute information to attendees automatically, which can be stored efficiently on their phones or tablets.

"Information technology takes abroad the need to continue upward with any kind of physical piece of paper or pamphlet, and it becomes easier to access information from the conference."

Other MC Business concern students scheduled to participate in the NextUp competition include Hannah Grace Plunkett, Kimberly Hardy, Schuyler Hickman, Thomas Wilson, and Alondra Reyes.

Zatechka said the forum provides a valuable opportunity for these students to interact with their colleagues from other universities and observe potential business concern trends for the hereafter.

"It will exist interesting to encounter what is out at that place, to come across what people are thinking and creating with their business ventures," Zatechka said. "Taking an idea applicable to what we practise in class and making it a successful venture takes a lot of hard work. The students who participate accept a lot to offer in today's entrepreneurial world."

Brandon said MC Business concern through the J.50. Holloway Entrepreneurship Center harnesses that talent and expands students' concern apprehending while sharpening their entrepreneurial skills.

"The Entrepreneurship Program in the School of Business offers a major in entrepreneurship, a minor in entrepreneurship for business majors, and a modest in entrepreneurship for non-business concern majors," said Brandon, who teaches Introduction to Entrepreneurship, New Venture Creation, and Business Skills for Life. "Simply it's not just for students in the business schoolhouse - information technology's for students who are interested in about any career.

"If you're studying electrical engineering and thinking of opening a business one twenty-four hour period, you would exist welcome in the plan. If you're a musician who might be interested in starting a concern, y'all're welcome hither. If you're in some other career, but think you could benefit from a side business, you lot're welcome.

"Whether you're interested in engineering science or in some of the more than common things people buy and use every solar day, you're welcome."

Call back Tank, governed and run exclusively by students, has a similar aim.

"The whole purpose of the club is to expand across the business organization schoolhouse, but also to focus on attracting people who take an entrepreneurial mindset," Zatechka said. "Nosotros'd like for them to participate in social club activities and become exposed to concern people in their field."

Along with its participation in the Entrepreneurship Forum, Call up Tank offers a variety of opportunities for members to develop their entrepreneurial chops.

Through the sponsorship of the J.Fifty. Holloway Center, Think Tank leaders are planning their own entrepreneurial event this spring. Members of the Clinton Chamber of Commerce, Chief Street Clinton, Regions Bank, and local residents will visit MC to offering their advice to students interested in learning more most the local business climate. They will focus on the close ties the Christian University has to the town of Clinton.

Retrieve Tank members are likewise heavily involved in social clubs and tribes, MC board events, Scouts, the Yearbook Committee, and Residence Life.

"Members of Retrieve Tank are much more likely to do activities that build their competitiveness in the economic system," Benson said. "That comes in all forms, whether in jobs, internships, or service commitments to the community.

"I believe everyone can benefit from Think Tank. People not in the School of Business might get their outset feel with the thought of turning their skill, hobby, or major into a assisting enterprise. Nosotros in the social club cannot call up of a single major at Mississippi College - or universities in general - that would not benefit from learning virtually starting or operating a business organization. Anyone who wants to be involved is invited and encouraged."

Community support for MC School of Business and Recall Tank activities is always welcome. For more information, e-mail Brandon at


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